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The Heat Pump Superstore Logo_Center.png

The Heat Pump Superstore came to me in need of a new logo and brand identity for their heat pump services. 

Facebook Heat Pump Banner 1.0-02.png

The logo uses a fan to represent the heat pump device. I've used a vibrant gradient to make this unique, the radial gradient gives the fan a glow, and this is incorporated into the brand identity. 

Reel slides-05.png
brand guides examples.png

The branding incorporates brand elements, including the brand 'orb'. This can be used across all media to keep the brand consistent and to add a flare of personality. The brand gradient is also included in the colour palette and can be used for backgrounds, icon fills and text fill. 

Profile Picture Heat Pump Banner 1.0-01.png
Business card 6.png
Van 6.png
Me laptop.png

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